Who we are
Trinity Church is committed to:
- Sound (biblical rather than man-made ideas) Teaching
- Simple (not freaky or intrusive) Worship Services
- Real (genuine and authentic) relationships
- Showing God’s love in action (good works and practical help)
- Welcoming Everyone (come just as you are – no special clothes or money needed)
- Relational (listen before you preach) Evangelism
Trinity Presbyterian Church meets in Flat Bush, Auckland, each Sunday at the Hilltop Community Centre
All are welcome: Nau mai, Haere Mai!
We believe in ministering to all people, regardless of family circumstance.
We welcome children to this church! We believe God’s promises are for children as well as adults. Trinity Church is committed to helping parents teach their children how to grow up living God’s way.
Trinity has a Children’s Church available for children up to the age of 6.
Grace Presbyterian Church of New Zealand
Trinity is a member church of NZ’s newest Presbyterian church, Grace Presbyterian Church of NZ.
You can find out more about GPCNZ on their website.